Nikki's Roller Skate Shop
We Sell & Roller Skates Skateboards and skating accessories.

We offer customized skates and skateboards at a discount price.

Skating is a way of life.......
Adult Skate Night
Skating Rinks
Monday: Adult night Kennesaw Sparkles Adult Night
Monday:Adult Night Skate Towne on Old National Hwy
Tuesday:" Diggin In The Crates" Smyrna Sparkles
Wednesday: Adult Night Cascade
Thursday: Adult Night Hiram Sparkles
Sunday: Adult Night Smryna Sparkles
Places to skate outside
My first choice is "always" The Silver Comet Trail. ( The trail starts in Smryna and goes all the way to Alabama. The trail is a whopping distance of 61.5 miles long.
The Belt Line (Literally wraps around the city) Since the BL wraps around the city it is conveniently nestled in between shops and eateries, makng it easy to catch a quick bite while out skating with friends.
Planet Skate
Skate Tonwe
Skate Zone
Sparkles Smryna
Sparkles Kennesaw
Sparkles Hiram
Sparkkles Gwinnet
Sparkle Lawrenceville
Stone Mountain Skate
Hot Wheels
Golden Glide
Skate Along
Fun Wheels
Click the link above to view skater owned business.